Fleet Safety

A Deep Dive into IoT Security in Fleet Management

In an era where connectivity reigns supreme, the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) in fleet management brings unprecedented efficiency and control. However, with great connectivity comes the responsibility to safeguard the wealth of data generated by these interconnected devices. In this blog post, we explore the critical importance of IoT security in fleet management …

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Implementing Reckless Driving Alerts for Fleet Management

In today’s fast-paced world, the efficient management of a fleet of vehicles is a crucial aspect of many industries, including transportation, logistics, and delivery services. With the rise of technology, fleet managers now have access to innovative solutions that not only optimize operations but also prioritize the safety of drivers and the public. One such …

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6 Fleet Manager Best Practices for a Safer Fleet

Fleet management involves multiple duties, from vehicle financing and maintenance to speed and fuel management. But the most important duty by far of a fleet manager is safety. Fleet vehicle accidents are extremely costly to a business—not only does it potentially involve human injuries and mechanical repairs, but also vehicle and driver downtime. Altogether, these things can become a massive financial and legal burden for the company.

Who in the Company is Responsible for Stopping Distracted Driving

Distracted driving brings with it a heavy cost. Distracted drivers are significantly more likely to be involved in accidents, which can quickly rack up high levels of property damage, personal injuries, and more. The average amount of property damage alone in an auto accident totals $7,500. When you add in permanent injuries and deaths, the financial toll rises quickly, often totaling in the millions of dollars. When you have a fleet full of drivers, however, who is responsible for stopping distracted driving?

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